Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Semana Santa
Since Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are national holidays we were able to take a short vacation for Holy Week.  We visited a fellow volunteer, Theresa at her site. She just moved into her own house on a bluff, yards from the ocean.  It is a peaceful location because of the constant noise of waves crashing against rocks, friendly neighbors, and the beautiful sunset.  The water is amazingly clear and clean due to being on the tip of the southwestern side of the Panay.  It is truly open ocean when looking across the horizon.  This is different for us since we are located on the east side of the island on a straight looking onto another island. 

We were then able to travel to Anini-y about 30 minutes away from her site.  Here we enjoyed the beach, went snorkeling and explored the mangroves.  The coral was vast and reachable by snorkel, with a huge variety of tropical fish. The mangrove trees were amazing in size and beauty.  We also had the pleasure of walking to the local hot springs to watch the sunset while having a beer.  We were able to celebrate Easter in a peaceful setting, making it a perfect mini vacation. 

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