Topping off the week long events was the Dance Drama Competition. This consisted of the same tribes that opened the festival on Sunday evening. Each of the 8 tribes presented a cultural dance depicting different times in history.
Watching all of these cultural presentations help remind us of the complicated past the Philippines has with other countries, including America. It was amazing to see the different interpretations of how the Filipino people overcame those ruling them to become the Independent country they are today.
1) Pre-Colonial Era to Muslim Slave Raiders
2) Spanish Era, Dark Years to Revolution
3) Turn of Century to Seeds of Discontent
4) American Era Severing the Chains to World War II
5) World War II to 1960’s
6) Martial Law Years and Notorious Anilao
7) People Power Era to Administration of Mayor Joel A. Debuque
8) The Contemporary Era and Mayor Ma. Teresa F. Debuque